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Effect of Testosterone on Human Body

Basic information about testosterone

Testosterone, also known as testosterone, testosterone or testosterone, by male testes or female ovarian secretion, adrenal gland also secrete a small amount of testosterone. With maintaining muscle strength and quality, maintaining bone density and strength, refreshing and enhance physical fitness and so on. Testosterone on male reproductive organs and other important organs of the complex, the biochemical process has not been fully elucidated. However, testosterone can affect many body systems and functions, including: blood production, calcium balance in the body, bone mineralization, lipid metabolism, glucose metabolism and prostate growth. It is the main male sex hormone and anabolic hormones. Whether it is male or female, it has a significant health and impact, including increased libido, strength, immune function, such as the effectiveness of the fight against osteoporosis. According to statistics, the amount of adult male testosterone secretion is 20 times the adult female secretion. Testosterone is also a boy active, good competition, dare to take risks, eager to become the strongest, most brave, the strongest man of the important reasons for the growth and development of boys has a crucial role.

The chemical properties of testosterone

Testosterone is a white crystalline powder, odorless. Mp155 ° C, specific rotation [α] 24D + 109 ° (4%, ethanol), ethanol solution at the wavelength of 240nm maximum absorption. Soluble in ethanol (1: 5) and chloroform (1: 2), soluble in ether (1: 100), do not dissolve in water. LD50 (rat, vein) 326 mg / kg.

The use of testosterone

Medical use: for the alternative treatment of testicular disease, male menopausal syndrome, impotence and other diseases of the treatment.

Sports use: increase the number of muscles. Some people who exercise to increase the amount of muscle and even use the dose to reach 250 times the therapeutic dose.

Other Uses: Biochemical research; natural male hormones, male sexual organs and male vice sexual development and growth.

Risk: acne, edema.

Clinical significance of testosterone

Increased: idiopathic male precocious puberty, familial male precocious puberty, adrenal cortical hyperplasia, adrenal cortical tumor (adenocarcinoma was significantly increased, adenoma also often increased), testicular cancer, testicular feminization, polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian males Of tumors, pineal tumors, idiopathic hirsutism, hypothyroidism, androgen, HCG and estrogen treatment medium. (Klinefelter's syndrome, Kallman's syndrome, etc.), androgens (such as Kallmann's syndrome), androgenic disorders (such as meningitis) Treatment after stopping.

Decreased: male testicular hypoplasia, no testicular syndrome, hypothalamic or pituitary gonadal dysfunction. In addition, also found in hyperthyroidism, cirrhosis, renal failure, severe trauma and chronic illness in patients with weak.

How testosterone works

Testosterone is effective in humans and other vertebrates in two ways:

Direct or in the form of serum dihydrotestosterone (DHT) androgen receptor activation; into estradiol to some of the estrogen receptor activation.

The free testosterone is transported to the cytoplasm of the target tissue cell, binds to the androgen receptor, or is converted to serum dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the 5? -reductase. DHT also binds to the androgen receptor (this combination is more stable, DHT male hormone intensity is about 2.5 times the testosterone). Testosterone receptors or serum dihydrotestosterone receptors undergo structural changes that allow them to enter the nucleus and bind specific nucleotides within the chromosomal DNA. The binding region is called the hormone response element (HRE) and affects the replication activity of certain genes, resulting in male hormone utility.

In other tissues of the chordates also have androgen receptor, and male and female response to testosterone is also quite consistent. Differences in testosterone doses between males and females before birth can lead to biological differences in puberty or throughout life.

Aromatization of testosterone into estradiol may have a major effect on the organization of the brain and bone. In bone, estradiol accelerates the process of cartilage growth into bone, engraftment and completion of growth. In the central nervous system, estradiol is the main feedback signal given to the hypothalamus, especially in the secretion of ovulation. In many mammalian brains, some sex differences in the region before or during the period of masculinization, are subject to testosterone estradiol produced by the impact of the decision to the future of male sexual behavior.

Testosterone related effects

In summary, androgen to promote the synthesis of proteins and the growth of tissues with androgen receptors, testosterone effect can be divided into anabolic and masculine effects. Anabolic effects include increased muscle mass and strength, increased bone density and strength, stimulated linear growth and bone maturation. Masculinization effects include the maturation of sexual organs (especially the production of penis and fetal scrotum), postpartum (usually in adolescence) the sound of the turn, beard and armpit hair growth. These effects are generally male secondary sexual characteristics.

The effects of testosterone can also be distinguished by the naturally occurring testosterone period. The different effects of testosterone on men or women after birth are mainly affected by the amount and time of delivery of free testosterone. In the 7-12 weeks after pregnancy, most of the male hormone effect after birth will occur, which include:

Reproductive masculine, such as the penis of large;

Prostate and seminal vesicle fertility.

Testosterone related diet

If testosterone is low you can eat the following foods:

(1) animal offal. Contains more cholesterol, cholesterol is an important synthetic hormone formula. In addition, also contains adrenaline and sex hormones, can promote spermatogonia cell division and maturation. Therefore, moderate consumption of animal heart, liver, kidney, intestine and other internal organs, is conducive to improve the body androgen levels, increased semen secretion, improve sexual function.

(2) zinc food. Zinc is an indispensable trace element in the human body, which plays an important role in maintaining the normal structure and function of male reproductive system. Zinc deficiency will reduce the number of sperm, and affect sexual desire, so that sexual dysfunction. The results show that zinc deficiency and Chinese medicine said: "kidney yang" related. The highest content of zinc food oyster meat, the other such as beef, milk, chicken, chicken liver, egg yolk, shellfish, peanuts, cereals, beans, potatoes, vegetables, brown sugar contains a certain amount of zinc.

(3) foods containing arginine. Arginine is an essential component of sperm formation, eat arginine-rich foods help kidney essence. Such foods have sticky slip characteristics such as eel, catfish, loach, sea cucumber, cuttlefish, octopus, silkworm chrysalis, chicken, frozen tofu, seaweed, peas and so on.

(4) calcium-containing foods. Calcium ions stimulate sperm maturation. Calcium-rich foods are shrimp, salted egg, egg yolk, dairy products, soybeans, kelp, sesame and so on.

(5) foods rich in vitamins. Vitamin A, vitamin E and vitamin C all help to delay aging and avoid sexual decline, they are mostly found in fresh vegetables and fruits.

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