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Biology News

  • [2015/12/22]Human Fibroblast growth factor 23

    Human Fibroblast growth factor 23 is encoded by FGF23 gene in humans. Human fibroblast growth factor..

  • [2015/12/22]Human 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D

    Human 25 hydroxyvitamin D is also known as Calcifediol or Cacidiol. This is a prehormone produced by..

  • [2015/12/18]Human procalcitonin

    Procalcitonin is a precursor molecule of calcitonin which is a peptide hormone.

  • [2015/12/18]Human insulin like growth factor 2

    Human insulin like growth factor 2 shares structural similarity to insulin.

  • [2015/12/17]Human Vitamin A

    Vitamin A is a nutritional organic compound which includes retinal, retinoic acid, retinol, beta-car..

  • [2015/12/17]Human Ficolin

    Human Ficolin is formed in the liver and secreted in the blood and is a major pattern recognition mo..

  • [2015/12/16]Human ischemia modified albumin

    Human ischemia modified albumin is used as a diagnostic marker for diagnosis of early stages of isch..

  • [2015/12/16]Human Adenosine triphosphate

    Adenosine triphosphate is known as the molecular unit of currency for intracellular transfer of ener..

  • [2015/12/14]Human Visfatin

    Human Visfatin is an adipokine and is produced by visceral adipose tissue.

  • [2015/12/14]Human Cotinine

    Human Cotinine is alkaloid present in tobacco. Human cotinine is a metabolite which is predominantly..

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