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Breakthrough insight in cancer treatment

Scientist s have found a breakthrough discovery that can aid in finding treatments towards complicated and difficult cases of cancer. Researchers have found cancer cells, which carry a flag and can be identified by the immune system.
Scientists at University College London and Cancer Research UK have found that few specific molecules are carried by the cancer cells that do not change even after mutations. These molecules can be identified by the immune system. The cells produced by the immune system to combat these antigens are too few in numbers. However, multiplying these immune cells in labs can aid in combating the spread of cancer in the body.
The study proposes that in future health care providers can check the tumor genetic profile, locate these specific molecules, and develop immune cells that can be transplanted to the body for combating the tumors. None of the tumors is similar thus; a biopsy of the tumor can help the scientists to generate immune cells, which specifically targets the tumor.
This study provides a new direction towards stopping the spread all over the body and killing of cancer cells with an individual’s own immune system. Further studies in the direction can help in generating data showing benefits associated with the method.
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Read:  2016-03-09 17:24:53  Glory Science Life science source - ELISA Kits - Antibodies - Research Products
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