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Clinical research of Broncheitis

Definition of Broncheitis

Broncheitis is the trachea, bronchial mucosa and its surrounding tissue of chronic non-specific inflammation. Broncheitis is the main reason for the repeated infection of viruses and bacteria to form a bronchial chronic non-specific inflammation. Smoking, bronchospasm, mucosal variation, decreased cilia movement, mucus secretion increased susceptibility to disease; allergies Factors also have a certain relationship.

Broncheitis symptoms and signs

Acute Broncheitis symptoms:

Rapid onset of acute Broncheitis, began as a dry cough, cough, phlegm or purulent sputum after. Often accompanied by sternal swelling or pain, fever and other systemic symptoms in more than 3 to 5 days improved, but cough, sputum symptoms often last 2 to 3 weeks to recover. The chronic Broncheitis is a long-term, repeated and gradually increase the cough for the prominent symptoms, accompanied by sputum. Expectoration symptoms and infection or not, when light weight. Can also be associated with wheezing, prolonged course of the disease.

Chronic Broncheitis symptoms:

1, cough: long-term, repeated, gradually increase the cough is the outstanding performance of the disease. Light only in the winter and spring season, especially in the morning wake up before and after the most obvious during the day less cough. Summer and autumn, cough reduced or disappeared. Severe patients are four seasons cough, winter and spring intensified, day and night cough, sooner or later is particularly intense.

2, sputum: general sputum was white mucous foam-like, more early in the morning, often due to sticky and difficult to emerge. Symptoms in the infection or catch cold rapidly intensified, increased sputum, increased viscosity, or yellow purulent sputum or accompanied by wheezing. Even due to cough and sputum with blood.

3, asthma: When combined with respiratory tract infection, due to bronchial mucosal congestion and edema, sputum obstruction and stenosis of the bronchial lumen, can produce asthma (wheezing) symptoms. The patient throat in the breath wheezing, lung auscultation wheeze. This type of wheezing as the outstanding performance, clinically known as asthmatic Broncheitis; but the attack is not like the typical state of bronchial asthma.

4, repeated infection: cold season or sudden changes in temperature, prone to repeated respiratory infections. At this point the patient increased asthma, sputum volume increased significantly and was purulent, accompanied by generalized fatigue, chills, fever and so on. Lung wet sound, check blood white blood cell count increased. Repeated respiratory infections are particularly susceptible to aggravating the condition of elderly patients, must be given full attention.

Broncheitis symptoms:

Broncheitis often upper respiratory tract infection in 2 to 3 days after persistent dry cough and episodes of asthmatic, often accompanied by low fever. Cough to 2 to 3 days after the occurrence of the most important. Cough breath attack shallow and fast breathing, often accompanied by exhaled breath wheezing that exhale can be heard as the same bellows bellows sound, breathing 60 to 80 times per minute, or even faster, heart rate up to fast per minute 160 ~ 200, while a significant flap of the nose. Severe cases can occur in children, mouth and nails cyanosis, can be combined with heart failure, dehydration, metabolic acidosis and respiratory acidosis and other acid-base balance disorders.

Pathological causes of Broncheitis

Infection (15%)

Repeated infections of the virus and bacteria form chronic, nonspecific inflammation of the bronchi. More common are syncytial virus, parainfluenza virus, influenza virus, adenovirus, rhinovirus and Mycoplasma pneumoniae and so on. Most cases can be based on the virus infection complicated by bacterial infection.

Climatic factors (15%)

When the temperature plummeted, bronchial mucosal congestion and edema, sputum obstruction and bronchial stenosis, can produce asthma and other symptoms of Broncheitis. In addition, small vasospasm of respiratory tract ischemia, defensive function is also prone to disease. In this case,

Physical and chemical factors (15%)

Smoke dust, pollution, such as chronic stimulation of the atmosphere can also be disease.

Smoking (25%)

Smoking to bronchial spasm, mucosal variation, decreased cilia movement, mucus secretion increased favorable infection.

Allergic factors (15%)

Allergic constitution of the crowd have a certain chance of Broncheitis.

Complications of Broncheitis

1, obstructive pulmonary emphysema: is the most common complication of chronic Broncheitis, alveolar fibrous tissue in patients with diffuse hyperplasia. With luminal stenosis and sputum obstruction, poor breath, it can occur obstructive pulmonary emphysema.

2, bronchial pneumonia: chronic Broncheitis spread to the surrounding bronchial lung tissue, patients with chills, fever, cough increased drama, sputum volume increased, and was purulent. White blood cell count and neutrophilia. X-ray examination, two lobes under the leaf-like or small pieces of shadows.

3, bronchiectasis: recurrent episodes of chronic Broncheitis, bronchial mucosal congestion, edema, ulceration, fibrous tissue hyperplasia of the wall, the lumen more or less deformation, expansion or stenosis. Expansion of part of a columnar change. Pertussis, measles or pneumonia after the formation of bronchiectasis often cylindrical or cystic, and the expansion of chronic Broncheitis caused by severe.

Dietary care for Broncheitis

Diet transfer photo: diet should be light, avoid spicy Hunxing. Should quit smoking and more tea, because smoking can cause increased respiratory secretions, reflex bronchospasm, expectoration difficulties, is conducive to the virus, bacterial growth and reproduction, so that further deterioration of Broncheitis. Tea contains theophylline, can stimulate the sympathetic nerve, so that the bronchial expansion and relieve cough symptoms.

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