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Medical treatment of estriol

A brief introduction of estriol

Estriol is a sex hormone, can be detected from the urine of pregnant women. The role of estrogen than estrone weak. In the fetal adrenal gland dehydroepiandrosterone generated in the liver by 16α hydroxylation in the placenta in the aromatization and become estriol. With the progress of pregnancy, the excretion of urine gradually increased to drop sharply after delivery. As a moderator of sex hormones, oral treatment of menopausal disorders and so on.

Pharmacological action of estriol

Estriol is a metabolite of estradiol in the body, a natural estrogen predominantly present in the urine. The oral estrogen activity is about 6 times the estrone, but estradiol is weak. Is characterized by a selective effect on the vagina and cervix, and uterine entities and endometrial no effect. On the vaginal epithelium keratosis than estradiol strong, can promote vaginal neovascularization and vaginal epithelial wound healing: at the same time can enhance the function of cervical cells, so that cervical muscle fiber proliferation, thereby increasing cervical elasticity and flexibility. In addition, the hypothalamus and pituitary feedback inhibition, but does not inhibit ovulation, only the corpus luteum can have a significant impact. Clinical for cervicitis, especially for menopausal syndrome, senile vaginitis. Can also be used as mid-term abortion and abortion auxiliary drugs. Also used for prostate hypertrophy, prostate cancer. Still has a rapid increase in the role of peripheral white blood cells, generally in the 1 to 3 days after the entry into force, but the role of maintaining a shorter time. On chemotherapy or radiotherapy-induced leukopenia effective. But also reduce the vascular permeability and brittleness.

The function of estriol attending

1. for cervicitis, especially for menopausal syndrome, senile vaginitis. 2. Can be used as mid-term abortion and induced abortion drugs. 3. For prostate hypertrophy, prostate cancer. 4. There is a rapid increase in the role of peripheral white blood cells, generally in the 1 to 3 days after the entry into force, but the role of maintaining a shorter time. On chemotherapy or radiotherapy-induced leukopenia effective. 5 can reduce vascular permeability and brittleness, can be used for a variety of bleeding treatment, for menorrhagia, tonsil or hysterectomy, have rapid hemostasis.  

The usage and dosage of estriol

Cervicitis, senile vaginitis: cod liver oil suspension or talc powder, local application or spray powder once a day, 10 times as a course of treatment. 2. Menopausal syndrome: daily oral 1mg once a month for 14 to 21 days for a course of treatment can be used in conjunction with 2 to 3 courses. 3. Early abortion and mid-term induction of cervical edema or softening bad, cervix open all the bad: intramuscular injection of 1 to 2 times, 1 10mg. 4. Artificial abortion, fetching contraceptive ring, sterilization, oral contraceptive bleeding and other menorrhagia: 1 week before or during menstrual oral 1 5mg, 1 1 2 times, the total amount of 30mg per menstrual cycle . If the condition is more acute, need to quickly stop bleeding or reduce the amount of bleeding, the daily intramuscular 1 times 10mg, medication 1 to 2 days. 5. Prostate hypertrophy: oral 1 2mg, 3 times a day, once every 3 weeks; or intramuscular every other day 10mg, medication 3 to 5 times, until the symptoms relieve. 6. tonsillectomy and hysterectomy bleeding: 2 days before surgery, daily intramuscular injection of 10mg. Gastrointestinal cancer and other cancer bleeding, daily intramuscular injection of 10mg, medication 2 to 3 days. 7. Chemotherapy or radiotherapy-induced leucopenia (<300 / μl), intramuscular 1 10mg, 2 to 3 times a week, the monthly total should not exceed 30mg (female) or 60mg (male).

Adverse reactions and attention

1. may have a temporary breast swelling or lumps, menstrual disorders and other reactions, withdrawal will self-limiting and recovery. Oral, occasional loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, lower abdominal pain and other adverse reactions. 2. There are breast hyperplasia, breast lumps, gynecological tumors, aplastic anemia. Specifications: Tablets: 1mg per tablet, 5mg. Injection: each 10mg (1ml). Whether Medicare medication: non-Medicare. Whether over-the-counter medications: prescription.

Other: 1. Liver disease patients hanged. Underage patients should not be used. 2. According to the prescribed method of treatment is invalid, should not increase the dose or prolong the use of time. 3. Allergic reactions should be immediately discontinued. 4. Oral can be absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract and maintain its activity. 5. Adverse reactions of this product is smaller than other estrogen preparations. There are breast hyperplasia, breast lumps, gynecological tumors, aplastic anemia, liver disease patients hanged. Underage patients should not be used. Have an allergic reaction immediately withdrawal.

Treatment of menopause

Menopause is a transitional period in which women's ovarian function gradually declines from exuberance to complete disappearance, including menopause and menopause. In menopause, women can appear a series of physiological and psychological changes. Most women can survive menopause smoothly, but there are a small number of women because of menopausal physiological and psychological changes are large, a series of symptoms plagued, affecting physical and mental health. Therefore, every woman to menopause should pay attention to strengthening self-care, to ensure a smooth transition through the life of this period. Chinese medicine to menopause attributable to "dirty impatient" category. Treatment should be to fill the spleen and kidney, tone Chong Ren-based, and to Shugan Liqing Chi, section addicted to appetite, suitable for work and rest, Shen live, to meet the treatment. And to nourish the heart and spleen, nourishing kidney-based diet therapy, not only have good results, but also strong physique. Female menopause and kidney, nest closely. Female premature aging has become a social and medical attention a hot spot. Especially in recent years, this phenomenon is more common, due to stress, fertility, abortion and other reasons, many women just over 30 years old, due to facial spots, wrinkles, breast atrophy, relaxation; vaginal secretion, Sexual dysfunction, insomnia, irritability, hot flashes, night sweats and other symptoms, and even a lot of people in the 35-year-old began to enter menopause.

The study found: kidney, ovary in the aging process of women play a decisive role in the two closely linked, indispensable, by a single kidney or a single nest can not fundamentally achieve the purpose of anti-aging. Experts agree that only through the kidney at the same time, is the real solution to women's premature aging only way.

In order to prevent the occurrence of postmenopausal degenerative diseases in women, hormonal replacement or hormone replacement therapy may be used. Especially in the prevention and treatment of various symptoms of postmenopausal osteoporosis and control, is effective. However, due to the use of sub-treatment methods have some side effects, should be strictly weighed against the pros and cons and risk assessment, it is recommended under the guidance of strict monitoring of the application of the doctor, and regular gynecological and breast examination.

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