Produce Center
Lipoxin belong to the family of bioactive products formed from Arachidonic acid. These lipoxins are ..
Vitamin D3 is the most important compound of the Vitamin D group, which is also referred as cholecal..
Human pepsin is an enzyme, which is released by the chief cells in the stomach in the form of zymoge..
Human Glucagon is a peptide hormone. It is produced by the alpha cells of the pancreas and are respo..
Human Endothelin are peptides which function in blood vessel constriction and increase the blood pre..
Desmosine is found in elastin. Elastin possesses tensile str..
Human allograft inflammatory factor 1 (AIF 1) is also referred as ionized calcium- binding adapter m..
Human angiostatin is a naturally occurring protein. Human angiostatin is an endogenous angiogenesis ..
Human fork head Box C1 is a gene which belongs to the forkhead family.
Human Fibroblast growth factor 23 is encoded by FGF23 gene in humans. Human fibroblast growth factor..